Hello All,
I am working on SharePoint 2016 and i have a requirement to import data from a CSV file to SharePoint list using Nintex Workflow.
I am looking for nintex workflow because i want to schedule the workflow for inserting of records.
But the problem i see is that, some of the records looks to be in an unstructured format as below
"Name","Place","Description", "Age" -> these are the headers
"Rahul","India","He is an IT guy",23
"Indira","China","She is a gardener",56
"Frank","Russia","He is an engineer. He
has 3 kids.
He is interested to travel",68
"Jersy","US","She plays with puppy",13
If we look at above contents, the 3rd item description is spread across multiple lines.
There are many records like that.
After reading from csv file, I am unable to split as proper row items due to this lengthy description with empty spaces and new lines using regular expression action in the NW.
Can anyone please help how to handle such csv file to insert data to SharePoint list using nintex workflow. The csv file has around 10000 records.
I am not using excel services because of the limitations we might have when moving to cloud.
Thanks in advance,