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I have this scenario.


I have an activity which has a client event having 3 destination users.

The activity is planned all at a time with a slot for each destination. So , there will be 3 activity instance destination and the activity will complete only if all 3 users have finished the worklistitem.


I need to implement Escalation in such a way that the escalation should send email to the destination users who have not completed / finsihed the worklistitem within 10 minutes and should repeat sending emais till the activity is complete.


How do I do this ?

Appreciate any response


Thanks and Regards,


Hi Satya,


Just configure an activity or event escalation that does what you need on the interval you desire. the escalation will fire for the users that still have a task, but will not those that have completed their task. If I am understanding your requirement correctly, your use case is very much out of the box functionality.



Hi Scott,


Thanks for the reply.


I am not sure if escalations are designed as such.


Let me elaborate on the scenario a bit more.


What I want to do is very very simple. Escalation email should be sent to that destination users of an activity every 10 minutes who has not completed the task till they have completed the task.


Ex: An activity has 3 destination users A , B and C. The process is triggered and all 3 get a task / worklistitem. Each of them should complete the task within say 10 minutes , else remainder emails will be sent to them.
The activity completes only when all 3 of them have completed the task.

There is no way I can know how many times I have to repeat the escalation. 

Let say the first escalation email is sent to all 3 of them after 10 minutes and then A completes the task but not B and C.
Next escalation email should be sent only to B and C after 10 minutes.


How this can be done ?


Thanks and Regards,
