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Ok got this error message when trying to access the workspace.aspx
Any ideas?

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: An anonymous identity cannot perform an impersonation. at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(StackCrawlMark& stackMark) at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.Impersonate() at WorkSpaceService.FilterService.CreateSession(String ServerName, String Connstr) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
Make sure that the Directory Security for the 'K2V3' site is set NOT to allow 'Anonymous' but only 'Integrated Windows Authentication'.

What does your environment look like i.e. on one machine, IIS on another machine OR everything on one server?

It can also be that the WorkspaceService virtual server is set to allow anonynous access (Even if Integrated Authentication is set on the K2V3 virtual server) so verify this as well.
Ok got rid of the error. But still cant login to the site for a remote machine. It prompts me for a password and no matter what i enter it doesnt except it and gives me a 401 error. The K2 server and IIS are hosted on the same machine. When i access the workspace from the local machine it works fine. Connects and i can see the reports.. When i try connect remotely using the same system account it wont let me in. The browser is set to windows authentication on the remote machine. I have the user accounts added to sercurity withing k2 security and users. They are domain account. but still no joy.
Which Operating System are you using?

Have a look at and do the 'DisableLoopbackCheck' registry setting change.

Hope this helps,
Server is running on 2003. remote client is windows xp
Figured it out. The IIS application pool was running as a configured account. Changed it to Network Service and it works fine.
