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The image control seems to insist on resizing the image to the size of the control.   Is there anyway to display the image as is?

what platform?

how do you have set height/width appearance settings and resize at runtime?

do you have applied any custom styling/CSS on it or parent containers?

1.  Windows with IE V11

2.  I have tried both resize and not resize.   No difference.

3.  No special CSS

with environment I meant SP2010/2013/O365...

and you haven't mentioned reg. width/height appearance settings

if you are on-prem, remnoving anything from width/height appearance settings and leaving it blank should help, it should set both to 'auto' at runtime.

if that doesn't help, you can create a custom CSS class with settings {width: auto; height:auto} and assign the class to image control to enforce it.
