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Hi guys,


Been through the options in K2 Studio, but can't figure out how to do this...


I have a "Smartobject Event" in a workflow that returns a value.

When that value is returned, depending on the actual value, i then want the next step to send an email.


So if return value Begins with "Failure...." - then send email to user A

if return value Begins with "Succesful...." - then send email to user B


This has to be done in the K2 Studio workflow.

I have the return value in a String, so can use it for the if statement. but how do i do this in the Workflow?


I've tried dragging the Default Line to the desktop, but absolutely nothing happens... Am i missing something?


Any pointers guys?

Hi Sharpharp1,



basically you'll have to set your rules on the lines:










Got the lines connected, but...


On the line rule, i want it to say if "string" STARTS with, but as you can see from the screenshot, there is only =, < >  etc, there is no contains, or begins with functions...



Hi sharpharp1,


you need to create inline function using Contain(string, substring) Returns a true value if a substring is found within another string.


set the inline function in the first variable and then you can use = operator 


for example:


MyInlineFuction = True then send email to user A



Mustafa........... you come to the rescue once again.


Got it working with the inline function, thank you so much!!!
