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Hello All,

We have a number of identity service related issues in the error logs. unfortunately a upgrade is not currently available for our platform.


We recieved code to clear the items that are creating the issues, however i cant identify all the objects because the error log is not clear.


24148 The User Manager returned an empty queue.

and many other errors


We requested to clear the Identity table so that we can start fresh. We recieved this code, however i want to know can i apply this to every object in the table so that everything is disabled and then deleted and then we can start with a new table and new objects.


------------------------------------------------- on the SQL Server go to to the K2 database, see if you can locate the user in the Identity.Identity table by running the SQL query below: --Begin Use K2 Go Select * From oIdentity].yIdentity] Where FQN = 'K2:DomainUser' --You may need to modify the query above to match the K2 database name for your environment. --End If the user account is still cached in the Identity table as per the result of the query above, disable it manaully by running th SQL query below: --Begin Use K2 Go Update tIdentity].yIdentity] Set Enabled = 0, Resolved = 0, ContainersResolved = 0 Where FQN = 'K2:DomainUser' --End



Hi Vijay,


24148 The User Manager returned an empty queue.

This is usually logged if there is a role that does not resolve to at least one valid user. You can also execute the UmUser's Get Role Users method to check if any role is not returning at least one valid user. This error can usually be safely ignored if you do not see any issues; as it may be a role that you are not using. Alternatively, to address the issue; you can add a placeholder/valid user to the role that is not resolving to at least one valid user.


Regarding the second inquiry, perhaps, you can try to refresh the User Manager cache.Unfortunately, there are still process instances utilized the information from the identity table. It’s not possible to delete stuff from that table (unsupport by K2). Maybe log a k2 support ticket (enhancement request) to delete or move-user from Identity table.
