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We have a Dev, Test and Prod environment. When emails are sent out from each of the environments we cannot discern which environment the email has been generated from. What we would like to do is institute some sort of flag that indicates which environment the email was generated by.


Use an environment field to identify the environment and drop it in the email.


My suggestion would be to use an Environment field.
1. Open workspace
2. Navigate to Management -> Management Server -> Environment Library -> Templates -> Template Fields
3. Add a new field (eg. parEnvironment) and set it to Category Server
4. In each environment below, add a value to each instance of parEnvironment

An example for use:
1. Open K2 designer, create a new form and drop on a datalabel
2. For the label, press the ellipsis next to expressions
3. Add a new expression
4. In the right hand context browser, open Environment Fields -> Category Server
5. Drag over parEnvironment and give the expression a name.
6. Save and run
The value corresponding to the environment you are on should be shown.
You can drop parEnvironment in any viewformworkflow you need.

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