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We have several Workflows to realize the "personal mutation process" (entry, change and Exit).

Since a few days I have  several wf who crashed. I wanted to restart it. So I opened the contextmenue and then "Workflows". But there I could not find he Workflows although in the site properties - workflow Gallery they are existing.

What could be the Problem?

Those wf worked for almost 2 years now without any problems. They were built by an external company. I can do several things now but I am not sure where to search for the Problem. Almost it Looks strange, several Workflows are shown in this context menue but a few of em not.

Thank you very much for your thoughts, ideas.

Have a good one.

Hi Joel,

I do not know how or why but maybe the connection between your workflows and the list go corrupted. Can you try to open the workflow from your workflow inventory and republish it? If that doesn't work, export your workflow, create a new worklfow on your list where you import your exported workflow and publish it again for your list.

Maybe some kind of update is causing this behaviour...



Could you provide a screen shot of where you can't see your workflows?   

Yes, here it is. When I go to a form and then open the context menu and go to "Workflows this opens. I want to start manually a workflow for a form (in case it crashed). You can see that a few WF are shown but there are others which aren't in this list.

How can I add thos emanually (if possible)?Screenshot

Are you sure the workflow you want to start isn't running on this item at the moment. You cannot start the same workflow on the same item twice so make sure the workflow isn't still running on that item.

Hi Philipp Lucas

OK, I dodn't know that.

We have several wf which are involved in the recruiting process. One of them crased (almost the log dais it when I go to "workflow Status". Could it be that it is still running although ist listed in the box "chanceled Workflows"?

I thought this could easy be started again.

Hmmm, I'll try to chancel it (manually) when the next one crashes. For now I handish finished the last task and workflow and that was it. :-)

So are you sorted now on this thread?  Can you mark an answer as correct for completeness please?

Hi Cassy

I marked the answer as correct. Thanks for the reminder :-)

Habe a nice time ya'all
