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1. Workflow not launching on submit.
2. Email rule returning authentication error.
3. ID returning null from a Create Method - Outgoing Parameters return value.
4. Using workflow User Tasks without SmartAction email links or the Worklist.
5. Changing the K2 Service account email address.
6. Workflow deployment complains about missing outcomes from a User Task


General problems


1. URL Redirect rule in a method call was preventing further rules (workflow launch) from executing.
2. Known issue workaround by launching a workflow that takes in email info via data bindings and only sends an email.
3. Suspected timing issue fixed by launching a workflow with wizard option for "rSmartObject] item added" which avoids rule injection.
4. Currently impossible with Appit there is no way to pass the task ID out of it's event in the workflow.
5. Feature requested not possible at the moment.
6. Select "generate outcomes" in the User Task wizard and use the new connections.

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