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The password of the K2 service account had to be changed, so the K2 setup manager was run to update the password. Everything else is working beside task event notification. When attempting to run the ConnectionStringEditor.exe, it would error with:

Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0


Perhaps something regarding the encrypted connection string in the K2hostserver.exe.config file is no longer valid, as such the ConnectionStringEditor.exe is not able to decrypt/process these connection strings. To manual decrypt the connection strings:

1. Backup the "K2HostServer.exe.config" file
2. Create a directory on the C: drive such that "C:K2Config"
3. Copy a copy of the "K2HostServer.exe.config" to "C:K2Config"
4. Rename it to "web.config"
5. Run CMD Prompt in Administrator Mode:
6. Run 'cd C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319' to change directory to this framework version
7. Run 'aspnet_regiis.exe -pdf "connectionStrings" "C:K2Config"'
8. This command will decrypt the encrypted 'connnectionStrings' section
9. Is there anything out of place in the decrypted connection strings?


There was a good 'SourceCode.MessageBus.Ews.ExchangeWebServicesConnection' connection string and an extra one that appears to be invalid. Removing this entry, renaming the 'web.config' file back to 'K2hostserver.exe.config', copying it back to the "C:Program Files(x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin" directory, restarting the K2 Blackpearl service to re-encrypted the 'connectionStrings' section resolved the task notification issue.

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