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I originally had the second build string right after the first one, but it is giving me the exact same values as the ones do tomorrow. So I tried moving it to only run if that value equals the past due value and all that does is return that last item from the same list of items due tomorrow. 

Any help is greatly appreciated. I haven't@@ found any similar posts. Looking for any direction or similar posts anyone has.

So are you wanting to query list for all items due tomorrow or before?  I am unsure why you have separated these two queries out?

If you want to continue with the separation at the very top after your query list why don't you log in history list the values of your two collection variables to ensure the data is different?  Have you tried the "run now" inside the query list action to check your filtering?

I want to query all the items and get which ones are due tomorrow, and which ones are past due. The query for tomorrows items I can build that string and it gives me the exact items im expecting. But I cant get the one for past due items to work. I believe the query part is working correctly (maybe). This is what it looks like:


Are you saying to combine the queries in one? I separated them because I was testing to make sure I was getting the correct values when I logged it to history (I dont know if that was necessary - Im new to workflows).

When I log the collPastDue to history I indeed get a bunch of past due dates. So I guess my issue is with output those items in my build string. When I do that is when I get the exact same values as the tomorrows items...

Yes I am saying to combine them if you ultimately doing the same thing with both collections... 

What is the purpose of the build string?

What is the email doing?

The build string gathers all those items and stores them essentially as one element so that in the email I can refer to that string to send one email with a list of all the items instead of multiple emails. 

Build string:




So in the email for past due items that are populated, they end up being the exact same values.

OK I see what you are saying.

Why don't you try and remove your parallel actions and just have one query and one collection.

your query will be items where due date is <= tomorrow.

Ok. When I get those items and store them in a collection, how do I parse those items to get the ones that are just do tomorrow and the ones that are past due (due date < today)? So I need two separate lists - one with regular items due tomorrow and one with items that are late (have a date that's past today's date).

Oh ok so you do need separate lists - keep it as you were.

So back to how it was.  Did you confirm that your two query lists were indeed bringing back different items?  And you are storing them in different collection variables?

Yes, but when I log to history or send myself a notification to confirm im getting two different items, I can see the past due dates, but I cant get it it send what those past due actions are. 

Sample of those values:


So I am definately narrowing those items out. But when I return those collection items all it shows is that first item (the Re-visit...) and that item specifically is wrong. 

So the dates are correct, but I need the values that go with those dates...?

ah ok I see what you are saying.  So you have a collection of IDs and now you want the details from those IDs.  You will need to in your loop query the list again for the current ID in the collection loop to get the date I would say.

I know you don't want an email for each item and you want to concatenate, but I have described getting items and then details for each item in this blog post that may help:


I see what you did. So my query was outputting the items and their due dates. I believe what you are saying is to query for items that are in the past compared to todays date and just get their ID's and store those in a collection. Then in my for each loop go through and collect all those items titles and store those values in a title variable. Then I can build a string that gathers all those items for output into a notification?

Yes that is how I would do it.  I thought your way should work to.  let me know how you get on.
