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Hi all.

I have a lot of lists (>30) on my site, and I need to create SmartObject for all of them for using in process. Some of the lists have lookup fields to another lists.

I open "K2 SmartObject Site Lists and Libraries" page, check all of them and press Create button. But I receive another blank page with "Select all" empty flag on the top and "Create" button.

Then I press Create, nothing happends. No SmartObject was created for my lists.

I try to create SmartObjects selecting lists one-by-one, but after 8-9 sucessfull creation I received the same blank page again.

Is anybody has idea, how to fix this and create SmartObjects for other lists?

I would start by checking the relevant logs (both SharePoint and K2) to see if those give you any error messages that could help.


Alternatively, try using the SmartObject Service Tester tool to create these SmOs once, then include them as part of your solution for deployment to future (Staging, Prod, etc) environments.

Thank for reply!

I think, it's was a local bug. In another environment all working good.
