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 Hello. For example, when i put Data the list up into the repeating section, the connection turns to ,,Not Connected" and there is no other option. Therefore, when sending the form to the Manager, the dates are not displayed. Is this a repeating section flaw or is there a solution to it?  I need the user to select multiple dates, and all of them should be presented in a table and displayed on a form.

Because after sending the form, the date is not visible. Thanks for the help




You need a multi line text field in your list. The repeating section will output the data in that field. The data will be outputted as XML. The data should be presented on the display form. Although it should also do that when there's no field connected to it.


Can you add some more screenshots? Also of the control configuration.


If you want to put in an e-mail you will need to query the XML and extract the "date" values to be displayed properly.

Hello. I got done. But I have another question now. Is it possible to make XML code display only dates (skreen)? To have a nice view for reports when exporting to Excel? 

You will have to post-format. Use a workflow to extract the dates from the XML and save them in a different column. Then export that column in your Excel.
