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I have a problem when i have assigned a task to shareoint Group:

Error Profil (K2 managment)

Message: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.; ServiceName: SharePointGroupsService; ServiceGuid: b0489b5b-0f6e-4338-ac7b-5ed1e47f1616; InnerExceptionMessage: ;

Thank you for your cooperation.

Does K2 service account has appropriate permissions to the SP site? If you are using Blackpearl, Try executing the UMUser or UMGroup Smartobject and see if you can retrieve the membership of the group.


I am facing the same issue. Did you find any solution??

Thanks & Regards,



The problem is solved after the grant of the authorization total to k2 service account in sharepoint central administration.

 I advise you to work with roles K2 is more simple and practical (without problem), currently I am working with roles k2.


Can you please suggest how to grant authorization to K2 service account in Central Admin.

Let me tell you my scenario. Once approver approved the request task is pending with reviewer group. I have used a smart object to return list of users from that rviewer group and set it as destination user for the reviewer task. I am not able to find the task in reviewe task list instead I found an error saying that The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.; ServiceName: SharePointGroupsService; ServiceGuid: b0489b5b-0f6e-4338-ac7b-5ed1e47f1616; InnerExceptionMessage: ;





I'm facing the same problem, con someone help?

Dear moustaphaAnwar,

Could you please provide more information about the issue you are experiencing? For example:

  • Product and version (blackpoint, blackpearl, 4.5, 4.6, etc.)
  • Full text of error
  • Type of process
  • How/where the SharePoint group is assigned as a destination

At first glance, I would suspect that perhaps the K2 service account does not have site collection administration rights on the SharePoint site where the group lives.

Hopefully this helps, but if not, please provide more detail for us to attempt to assist you.


Thanks, and regards,

