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I'm new to SmartForm, as I stated a the subject of this thread. 


The Options that are availables are New Window (without modal dialog), New Frame and Current Frame.


Is it possible to Show a Modal Dialog Window using the Hyperlink Control in SmartForm?


Because in the Rules -> Navigate Url (Action), there is an option for New Window (Modal Dialog).


Thanks before


Hi Suharmin, 


If you us the option to open as modal dialog in the Navigate to URL action in rule you can specifiy that the URL open in a modal dialog.  It will open the modal dialog in the same window as the calling form.   There may be some restritions on the modal dialog features depending on the browser you are using. 


Here is a link to the Navigat to URL help as well as two KB article that may help. 


Help- Navigate to URL


KB articles referenced in the Help.


Hi Jason,


Thanks for response


I already noticed that in the Rules, I can navigate to URL and show it as a Modal Dialog.


But what I want to achieve is, can I do the same thing using the Hyplerink Control?


Anyway thanks for your post, I think I have found a workaround by using some styling in the Button and make it look like a Link 





