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Here is the scenario... I'm trying to have a list for deatiled information... however since the entries are very repetitive depending, I would like to have some kind of "QUICK" Lazy buttons that automatically preload the request with possible 10 or 20 entries depending on the Button to pre-filled requests.


This could be since the provisioning of Software, Hardware, Access to Network Resources etc.



I wonder if there is a suggestion or post where can point me in the right direction... I think I'm getting close but something still is not quite right.



Dear ,


First off , make sure u re enable "apply changes" rule , because its needed when u add a new row ,

second , could u briefly provide me wts difference between Category ID DDL and Resource DDL in configuration ? Data source configuration? or if u could provide a screen shot for their configuration ,

Third , provide a screen shot on how u transfer the data please ,

Last thing , regarding to ur first solution , u had the resource DDL empty , wt if u expand it ? does it include any data ?

just wanna know if the problem is in retriving the items , or setting the items ,





If this list is coming from or going to SQL, I would write a stored procedure to automate the process. 

What is the flow of data? 

Is this just for testing purposes, or will this go out to the general public? 



Ok. I'm not having great results with the "apply changes" rule.... I can see when is needed, but I'm not able to make it work properly.


So here is the scenario... a New Hire arrive to the company... he will need some things like:
a) Hardware - Computer Equipment

b) Telecom - Cellphone/ Internet Cards

c) Appllication Access - ERP + EDI + Maintenance + Reporting + Sales + etc etc etc..

d) Shared Folders Access


So here is where Categories Table gets in place. pretty static pretty simple and very few fields... almost dont really deserve to be a SQL Table




So basically depends on a Category from CategoryID int... and have the name of the resource, some details, some yes/no if approval is required and the name of the approver for this particular resource.


When we complete the New Hire form, should be able to select from the Entry SMO many resources to be added in the Details List with some information from the new employee.




The first dependency between Category and Resource is directly in the Cascading Dropdown using the K2 out of the box option.




When configure the SMO List method in configure the appropiate input/output mappings




Seem to work fine when working manually.... propagating the values...


A couple things that I encountered....


a) When Clicking the List "Add New Row" it clears the first dropdown but the second one for the Resource seems to keep the previous value... 

b) Trying to have a magic button to autopopulate new rows seem to propagate only the data from the first 2 dropdown not the data from the onchange rule.


Hope this clarify... perhaps there is a better way to build this and I'm just over complicating things.


THX Dino.

Dear ,


Tryin to figure out the scenario u r tryin to accomplish , but am sry i couldnt get it clearly yet ,

only if u dont mind to explain ur scenario in steps + details, for example


ur first DDL has static values , ur second DDL has SMO as data source and fiilters according to first DDL ,

3rd , 4th , 5th data fields are fill when u execute newhire_entries Get_List method , filtering it by categoryID and resource ,


wt u r tryin to do ,

Have a button that fills data fields with default data ?

if u hit the button , u want first DDL to be set to "Application Access" ? , then set ur second DDL with "EDI" ?

then set the last 3 fields with data using get list ?


or , u want to have clear data fields , but when the user sets first and second DDL's , u want to auto populate the data for him in last 3 fields ?


Just tryin to get the scenario in a simple way hopin to help if i can ,



The idea is to have new employee data in the first part of the entry.


Just like adding Attachments ... there will be a List View... with the Details of the requests.... 


The Details will be a list that have 2 nested dropdowns n Category/Resources ]


Here depending of the Category can assign different resources to the new employee.














    WiFi Card



Each of those resources will have within the main data text for Approval Required and the Approver.

Since this is in a list. the idea is once completed and click Submit 


There will be a for each on the list and for each trigger a workflow for approval which will receive the data and if not approval required put a help desk ticket to proceed, if required start the approval workflow.





So here is what I got so far...

1) The Dropdown Resource don't clear once clicking on "Add new row" keep the last value when adding fields manually

2) Once click the submit, enter the main data into his table, however when the for loop dont put the right values of the Details/App Req approver only NULL

3) Trying to make things easy for the team using the form the left button to PreLoad office user don't populate properly the values when trying to preset maybe 20 different resources that tipically belong to a regular office user...


That is the issues....  any advise will be appreciate it.




Dear ,


Im not gettin wt might be causin this issue for sure , but my suggestion is to double check , transfering data rules ,

Double check each data u send , from/to smartobject , for example ,




Sry couldnt help , hope u find the solution ,

