Working through things I was wondering could i create an if loop in my workflow to check if Application Owner = other, then once inside the if run block it creates a workflow variable for NewAppOwnerGroupName and NewAppOwnerEmail?
If this is viable i am not sure how i would populate the workflow variable from the text box in the form?
I assume once i have the workflow variable i can use create list item to add it to the application owner list.
Just in case others need this little help (ok it took me a good bit to figure out with banging my head on the laptop but anyways)
What i did to allow the user to add information to separate list was
1. Create rule that unhides GroupName and GroupEmail text boxes, and sets both as required.
2. Once user populates the fields and submits it create the list item with Other as application name.
3. I have a runIf in my workflow that checks for ApplicationOwner = other and if true creates 2 variables from the form data. (I got that information from NintexForumLink )
4. Then moves to the review state machine.
5. If approved using create item a new item will be created with new group name and email in the app owner list and output id is set to work flow variable newItemID.
6. using an update item it takes the newItemId value and updates the application owner to new value.
Query XML:
XML source
Existing SharePoint contentContent
{Current Item:NFFormData}
Advanced Lookup
XPath query
Advanced Lookup
Return result as
TextInner XMLOuter XML
Query result in
Please select or create a workflow variable
Query first result in
Create List Item:
Target List
The list to create a new item in.
List Item Properties
Please select an item
Select the list item properties used to create the item.
Advanced Lookup
Advanced Lookup
Output as GUID
Please select or create a workflow variable
GUID variable to store the list item identifier as GUID (globally unique identifier).
Output as ID
Integer variable to store the list item identifier as ID (the value of the ID property of the list item).
Update List Item:
Target List
Current Item
List Item Properties
Please select an item
Select the list item properties used to update the item.
Application Owner
Workflow Variables