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How to use "Send Meeting Request" event in K2 workflow




Suppose that you need to use "Send Meeting Request" event in K2 workflow but it does not work. Is it neecessary to pre-confingure some settings in K2 or Exchange?



If K2 Exchange Integration was not enabled during the initial setup, you will need to perform a Reconfigure of K2 using the K2 blackpearl Setup Manager and enable Exchange Integration. Please see the documentation below regarding how to enable Exchange Integration and the permissions the K2 Service account needs:

Enable standard Exchange Integration (Calendar, Meeting)
Used to enable Microsoft Exchange integration to interact with Appointments, Meetings and Tasks.
This allows K2 to send calendar appointments and meeting requests under the specified credentials.

The K2 service account will need:
- ApplicationImpersonation Exchange role

Please see the "Standard Exchange Integration" section of documentation:

Please see the KB article below:

Exchange Impersonation Account

A second service account, the Exchange Impersonation Account is required for Microsoft Exchange 2010 integration. This account should be assigned the Application Impersonation role to be able to impersonate users for sending meeting requests and creating tasks.

Run the following command in the Exchange Command Shell to give impersonation rights:
new-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name: _suImpersonateRoleAsg -Role: ApplicationImpersonation -User: “impersonation account name”

Give this account “Log on as batch job” rights on the K2 Server machine to be able to run Exchange Events as this account.

Then when configuring the event in a process, make sure to specify the "Run As" as this account so that the event will be executed as this account.

After enabling exchange integration, Smartforms send email action were failing with 'smtp server returned an invalid response'. Smartforms send email action uses the "Mail Server" environment library field. We discovered that it was currently configured as "" instead of "" (exchange SMTP connector was most likely configured to use a different FQDN then exchange server). After reconfiguring the environment libraries and string table values, exchange integration and Smartforms send email action is now working correctly.



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