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In the SDK eventbus example :

customEvent = new EBAuthor.CustomEvent(0, "Test Schedule Event", "Description", scheduleID.ToString(), "OnScheduleExecute", (int)SourceCode.EventBus.Common.Enumerators.EventType.Scheduled_Event);


 using this code I can only handle the Scheduled Event.

can I regist a CustomEvent catch all the event in one process? such as

"Default Client Event"

"Default Server Event"

"Infopath Client Event"


For example: when a process instance add a new worklistitem,my customCode auto redeict/delegate it to other user or do some common logic.

Hi Phoenix,

At this point it is not possible to catch "generic" events, though we are looking into ways to add more global events to the Event Bus.



Hi MikeT,thanks for answer

But there is still some questions.

I can use the K2WorkSpace Custom Event Designer  to catch one ProcessActivity Started Event or Completed Event  to call my own dlls ,How to do it in a custom code?

For example: If I have 10 processes and each process have 10 activities in a K2 Server.  When all the process activity started or completed,use my own code to write some text in the k2 console.
