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I created a column called Number (type Number, in percent) in SharePoint 2013 and then I started a workflow.

The workflow is setting a variable trying to 'Upload an item' and filling in the number (30) into the field Number. I don't get an error but when I view the item it says 3,000 % in the column Number.
In the column settings I set number of decimal places to 0.

What should I do?

Set Variable: Number = 30
Update Item: Set Current Item Field Number to (Workflow Data) Number
(the 20 was filled in by hand)


can you put some screenshots of what you are trying to achieve please?  that will allow me to mock up a replica and hopefully help you solve the issue.

It is just like Excel, where if the format is chosen to be shown in %, then the number is multiplied by 100.

The simplest way I can think of is to add a "Math Operation" action before Update Item, and divide it by 100.
