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How to show/hide/validate controls based on content of another control.


Possible with the steps below.


- Via the Form/View Layout tab Properties window (bottom right), check the 'Visible' property on the controls that should start invisible.
- Add a 'When a control on the View/Form raises an event' event, targeting the source control and its 'Changed' method.

- Add a 'a control contains a specific value' condition, targeting the source control and setting which value you're looking for.

- Add a 'Set a control's properties' action, targeting a hidden control, setting it's Hidden field to 'Yes' or 'No' as appropriate.

- Repeat the above steps for all required source control content conditions and hiding actions.

- In your validation condition, check 'Do not validate hidden, disabled, or read-only controls, Views and tabs.'


I've been attempting for the last few days to have a hidden tab appear if a text box control contains 1 on a view located in the first tab.  


I've tried doing transfer data rules to data labels / text boxes on that 2nd tab - No Dice

I've tried doing the When Control is initialized - No Dice




I was able to get this to work on the New Form when the Save Button on the 1st Tab was clicked and if the hidden control was 1 show the tab and navigate to the tab. 

But on the Edit Form it won't work - I basically want the tab to be visible if the control contains 1 on initialization.

Hello Angela,


Without looking at the rules directly it will be hard to figure out the difference between the New and Edit form. I suggest going through each rule on the New form and duplicating it exactly. Try this on a Brand New Form and see if you can get it to work. Then you can focus on the Edit form itself. 
