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1. I have two questions about K2 for SharePoint Workflow - (1) On my form, there a date/time field called Date Resolved, which is hidden when users create a new entry when user clicks Submit, it sends an HTML email using K2 email workflow. However, even with an empty value in this Date Resolved field, the system still put (January 1, 0001 12:00 AM) in the email. I attempted to use the IF inline function without success. Is there a way to use other inline functions to replace it with the empty string instead?

2. Is there a way to add line rules to the workflow steps in K2 SharePoint Workflow? I know how to do this in K2 Studio, but I haven't found the same functionality in K2 for SharePoint workflow.




1. As an empty/null Sharepoint DateTime column seems to map to '1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM ' perhaps you can use a 'RegexMatch' expression nested inside the 'IF' expression to check for this value, and return empty string if it matches, otherwise just return the value.

2. Regarding line rules, in the web designer this can be configured in the 'Outcomes' rules by selecting the outcome and selecting the 'Edit' option, as per:

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