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How to set proper escalation between Escalate After and Escalate On.

K2 project is indicating that reminder email notification for task undone was sent one day earlier than the required 2 days according to compliance. I noticed the escalation associated to certain activities is not what I have expected. The "Escalate After" is set to 3 days. The "Escalate On" is set to "3/27/2015" which is today. How can escalation be activated in 1 day as the users have alleged?

Between these two Escalate settings, how can I be sure to set the escalation period to 2 days for certain?


Reviewing your process, I see that you have it set to “Escalate After” and the setting is 3 days. So if the user does not action the task in 3 days after they receive the task, the escalation rule will fire. I also see that the “Escalation On” option is not set since it is changed to the current date every time I open and edit the rule.


If you want the email to be sent 2 days after user receives and has not actioned the task, you will need to change this value to 2 days instead of 3 days.When using Goto Activity, all active and running state activities and lines will expire and any further executions will cease before the process will go to the activity as specified. Please see “Important Considerations” section:
If you select “E-mail” in the Action Template instead of “Go to Activity”, K2 will send an email to the user based on the setting in “Escalate After” and “Escalate On” in Rule Template section.

For example, in my attachment (Example.docx), I set my Escalation to E-mail and send it to “Destination User” after 1 minute from the time that this client event executed. The user will receive a reminder email every 1 minute if they do not action the task assigned to them. The email will be sent up to 99 times. At any given time, if the user actions the task, the escalating email will stop. The client event will be completed, and move on to the next event/activity.

Please note that in order to select Destination User in Recipient section of the E-mail Settings, the activity destination rule will need to be set to use “Plan per destination” in Destination Rule Advanced Mode.

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