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dears K2 Team,


I need to use parameter to filter data that retrieve in some view . For example, I have some view that retrieve the all Employees data. Now I need to pass the (FileNo) parameter to retrieve just to related employee inside view . How I can do that. Thank You.



best regards ;


BOG Team



In your view, create a new Parameter of type string.

In your rules for the When the view is initialising, change the GetList method and drag the parameter on the right hand to the input field which it should filter.


Now if you specify a parameter when the view loads it will filter your records.

When using a view in a form you are able to use a transfer data rule to set the value of the parameter.


Hope this helps!




Dear Mr.JohanL



Thank you so much. Your solution is helped us .



Best Regards;



BOG Team
