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Early days with K2 Blackpoint (trial of RTM version) but hoping to show that it will be able to assist greatly in our internal processes - and perhaps make the tea as well.  The testing project is an initiation and review process for project proposals, starting with an InfoPath form that gathers some initial details about the project. 

A user goes to a Forms Library and clicks New.  That launches the InfoPath form associated with the workflow.  They fill it in and press Submit.  An e-mail gets sent to a couple of users, a custom Discussion Forum is created and the InfoPath form is saved to the Forms Library.  All working fine.  (I would, parenthetically, like to know how to check for the existence of a Discussion Forum of the same name as the one being created so as not to have an error if one already exists, but perhaps that needs to be another post.)

My idea is that various discussions then take place, either verbally or else in the related forum. Once everyone is happy wiith the proposal a user needs to reopen the form and fill in some newly decided details, and perhaps make changes to the original submission.  After that, the approval process kicks off. 

But I don't see how to get 'back into' the form.  How, and where, do I hold the form in suspension while discussion takes place?  How is the form reopened when the discussion is complete?  I have a second InfoPath view set up for this stage, but I'm not sure how to invoke it.  Is this possible or am I asking too much?

Any guidance will be much appreciated.  With thanks and regards,

Sebastian Crewe


In the scenario you describe the difficulty is obviously knowing when the discussion has come to a suitable conclusion. What I suggest that you do is assign a task (using an InfoPath client event) to the process originator or the person charged with taking action after the conclusion of the discussion. Once they discussion as produced a suitable result, whatever that may be, then this person can open their worklist item which will present to them the second view and allow them to make a decision based upon how you have designed your process.
A good idea would be to make sure you implement one or more Escalations (perhaps repeating) on this client event to remind the person to check if they discussion has produced a suitable conclusion.

As for the unique naming. I find that if you are automatically generating sites or the like in this nature it’s a very good idea to use a unique key (sequential number e.g. 0001, 0002, etc) to identify the site. I would normally create a service that generates this at the start of the process and that I can use for the duration of process to identify assest generated by the process. Using this value as the Folio would obviously also make sense.
Thanks so much.  That is extremely helpful and can easily be implemented.  It is useful to know how the different events might be used to realise business needs; such examples would be a welcome extension of the documentation in due course.
