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How to remove an orphaned worklist item


Hi there,
Due to a migration of a process from a old workflow version to the new workflow version, some of the worklist items got stuck in the My worklist item list for our users. I tried to redirect them to my account but it did not work. How can I remove those orphaned worklist items please?
Many thanks.

Best regards.



I am not familiar with the Process Instance Version Migrator (assuming this is an in house tool built using the LIM API's)

Please note that migrating Live instances to a Version where existing Activities have been removed is not supported and will cause those Instances to possible fall into an unrecoverable state . Please see below for a list of the documented Supported and Unsupported scenario's

If the above scenario is what has occurred and deleting the Instance's to redo them on the new version is not an option , you will either have to roll back your DB's to before the migration , or a manual recovery or deletion of the Items can be attempted , however will need to be performed as part of a Services engagement

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