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How to reduce the size of a database on development machine




K2 database file (K2_FG_Server_1.ndf) on a development machine uses a lot of space (about 5 GB). You try to archive the data from it and even perform database shrink operation but it doesn't help to reduce file size.





Please see the KB001281 "K2 4.6 Database Considerations" regarding the FileGroups.

The FileGroup "FG_Server" would house the 'Server' database/schema. This is usually associated with information about the process and running instances (process/activity/event/rules definitions used during process runtime, the data that the workflow hold in data field, XML fields, the code and assembly that the process uses, process version definitions, etc.).

To get a better idea about what tables in the sServer] schema are largest in your environment and what actions can be taken you can use SQL query to evaluate size of all tables in DB (for example this one).
See also:

In case you see that the table Server].eAssembly] has the greatest size. It can be caused by the process version deletion bug which existed in version 4.6.6 and earlier, in which the associated assemblies entries are not deleted. This issue has been addressed in version 4.6.7. A SQL clean up query coldfix is available via request to K2 support.




NOTE: Whenever you delete data from the tables the actual database file size does not change until a Data Shrink operation is performed after data deletion. Generally it is not recommended to perform Shrink operation and it is recommended to leave allocated place intact - SQL Server will reuse it for new data as you add it.

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