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Hi all,

   I am trying to integrate k2 with a third party tool using webservices of that 3rd party tool. When I acces a function of the webservices the return parameter is a XML string i.e. a string in XML format.

 I wanted to know if there are any buil in functions in K2 to read such kind of data fields?

I have previously used C# code to parse the same for some other purpose. Can I use the same code in K2? If i can use, there was a namespace called system.XML which i was using in that code, will that be a problem?


Thanx in advance,

Hareesh Vemula.


System.XML is one of the default references on a project in studio (Project Properties->References)

You certainly can use your XML code in studio


Hi  @smiddie, 


I would like to know, is there is any method without using the K2 .net studio, purely using the K2 designer, able to read the 3rd party web service return result in xml format!
