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I need to run an approval workflow on certain documents in a document set, in a library exceeding the view threshold limit. As such the workflow action Query List currently fails because of the threshold. Is there an option to include a specific View (by its GUID) to the CAML Query? Or does anyone have an other suggestion how I can accomplish this?

The workflow will be started with an HTML button from the document set's welcome page. It documents it needs to run use a dedicated content type.

Although a good starting point, the article "Iterate through documents in a Document Set" by ‌ fails because of the large number of items.

Hi Jean-Pierre Huls‌,

if you have server access you can disable throttling on a specific list to get rid of this threshold. You can use following PowerShell:

$web = Get-SPWeb bURL]

$list = $web.Listst"ListName"]

$list.EnableThrottling = $false


Dont think you can query a specific view via caml. If you have access to an object model you can normally get the view first and execute the query directly on this view but thats not applicable via Nintex Workflow.

Best Regards


Thank you ‌, but that is what intended to avoid.

Kind regards,

