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We have a repeating table for users to enter email addresses. At least one, but often more than one. We would like that table to start off with one email address listed already. We couldn't make this work by having a rule add a row and fill it in.


The issue looks to be related to having the GetList function executing before the SmartObject is created.


I was able to work around the bug by working with the When the View executed Initialize event on the View in question. In the event, create a Execute a SmartObject method action. Choose the correct SmartObject, execute it's Create method and configure the input mappings for the email address you would like to show up. Once this is done, go back to your rules, and disable the When the View executed List item added. Save the view. You can run the view to test if the email address shows up. Once the view is saved with the List item added rule disabled, go back into the rules and enable the List item added rule. Everything should work, for some reason disabling and enabling the List item added rule seems to change the sequence and fix the problem.

A logical error surfaced as well on second reading. By switching the two rules execution order and having the GetList method execute after the SmartObject Create method, the rule worked correctly. The customer was able to use the first solution to get the issue fixed, but this is another fix.

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