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I have a list called Exit Interviews in SharePpoint with a column named Position. It's a single line text field. I another list called Job Titles with a single column in it that lists job titles. I created a smartobject for Exit Interview and one for Job Titles. On the New Exit Interview view, I placed the Position field and changed the control to a choice, using the Job Titles smartobject as the source. On the New Exit Interview form, the Save button creates a new list item in the Exit Interview list. When I fill out the form, the Position field populates with the choices from the Job Titles list. I select one and save the form. The list item is created but the Position column is not pulling the selection from the Position field in the form. 


What am I missing?

Dear ,


u might want to check the rule that is supposed to save to the list ... and click on "configure" and check its mappings ....

the input mappings ...


