How to permanently remove worklist item from user's work list.

  • 10 February 2015
  • 1 reply



Please note the description below has been modified from its original.

Consider a work list item that is assigned to 5 users -- all 5 users see that task item in their work list when it’s allocated.
Now, if one of the 5 users moves to a different team, they want the ability to remove that work list item from that user's worklist so it ONLY appears to rest of the 4 users.
They do not want to delegate or redirect as the system will rely on remaining 4 users to complete the work.

Use case:
They have different sites ( A, B, C etc.) and there are multiple 'Operators' in each of the sites. When a request is submitted, it gets assigned to a site so they dynamically assign the work item to all 'Operators' under that site. When a user moves from Site A to Site B, they don't want them to see the requests that were assigned to them when they were in Site A but they should start seeing requests assigned to them since moving to Site B.


Workflow design issue versus K2 API Limitation - there is currently no functionality in the K2 workflow API to delete or expire a worklist item.


The described scenario is currently possible OOTB in K2(so this all comes to workflow design). This can be achieved by using K2 Role using the setup below:
1) Destinations users MUST be a K2 Role.
2) Make this a dynamic role.
3) Ensure the “Keep Roles sync” option is checked in the advanced destination planning.
Keep roles sync will trigger a re-planning of the activity when there are changed in the Role items -- so the users moving to another project group that doesn’t need to see this items anymore, can be removed from the role.

An enhancement request for a functionality in the K2 workflow API to delete or/and expire a worklist item has been logged by Labs.

Samson @k2.


1 reply

I have found a workaround a long time ago for removing unwanted worklist items by simply redirecting the item to a person that already has the item. It does not start it twice and the old one goes away.  This is via the K2 API.
