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Hi everyone.  I'm new to K2 but am having a BLAST building stuff.  This is awesome!


I think this is a pretty easy answer, but I spent a couple hours on it yesterday and didn't figure it out. If it's already been asked and answered, please feel free to direct me to the thread, as that will help me figure out how to best sift through the tons of information on the Community board.


I have a form with two a list view and the other a item view that basically just holds a drop down and a button.  I'm trying to set up a rule so that when the user selects a record in the item view and clicks the button, the value of a specific column in the selected item view gets passed to a smart object or parameter. 


I can't seem to figure out:


#1 - What rule(s) to use

#2 - What specific item in the context browser would represent the value of the certain field of the selected record.



Any advice is appreciated.




Rob Nicholas


Hi Rob,


1.You have a listview and if u select a record in the listvew, you want to pass(Eg.Save) the data to smartobject?


2.You have a listview and if u select a record in the listvew, you want to pass the data to item view?


For Both,

Instead of using  the controls(Display Rows), Use smartobject property binded to the column in the lisview from the context Browser and configure this in the  'Execute a view method'(Case 1) or 'Transfer data' (Case 2).

(Even though the data in listviewis not saved to the binded smartobject, this will work since it make use of cached data)


If you are transfering data from itemview to listview, make sure to Enable list editing for the listview.


Hope this helps






Thanks!  Great advice.



