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I wonder if is possible to pass Dynamic values to a DropDown DataLabel from JS.


Depending on the load conditions the Dropdown will changed.... re-using the same dropdown control.





<select name="weekday">
<option value=""> - Select - </option>
<option value="Mon">Monday</option>
<option value="Tue">Tuesday</option>
<option value="Wed">Wednesday</option>
<option value="Sun ">Sunday</option>


<select name="dia">
<option value=""> - Seleccionar - </option>
<option value="Lun">Lunes</option>
<option value="Mar">Martes</option>
<option value="Mie">Miercoles</option>
<option value="Dom">Domingo</option>



This way depending on the selected language, the form will render the appropiate value.


:: Yes potentially if we can have a JS-> Data Feed from any URL in JS/XML could be re-used to Forms to render any kind of data.


THX Dino.

Dear ,


Approaches u might wanna try and hope it fits ur solution ,


1- Set language control , this is a custom control on the community market that u could use ,

it includes creating resource files , and pointing to them , based on browser culture it changes the data language.


2-create 2 drop down lists and depending on the browser culture , show/hide the drop downs to fit the language currently used on the browser .


2-create a table in SQL , then create stored procedure to retrieve a list of data depending on a flag input parameter ,

for example

table with fields

ID ---- FieldInEnglish ---- FieldInFrench

then u create a stored procedure to return list of data , input parameter is ur flag that indicates which language to retrieve ,

1=english  ,2=french , or w/e u could use as flag ,

if 1 , retrieve list of data in english , if 2 retrieve list of data in french .

and then u generate Smart object off of that SQL stored procedure and use it as data source for ur drop down list .


Hope it helps!


Thank you Ahmad. yes I surely can create SMO's from SQL and hide Multiple Dropwdowns for different languages.


I was just wondering int have some kind of JS directly from the read only list from Sharepoint 2013.


The idea was just to populate the control without actually have to integrate with Sharepoint. just thinking the less intrusive specially when is just a small list.


