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Hello everyone !!

I am very new to Nintex workflow. I have to create the Project Server 2013 nintex workflow.  If i create Demand management workflow in my development machine then how i will move this workflow on production server (Project Server 2013). What is the process.

Please suggest.

You could always use the export/import options, but this would require you to alter an connections that you may have such as a list item/column or a URL.

Thanks for your input. I just want to confirm that import export functionality is also applicable for Nintex for Project Server.  I didn't find any link for project server.

I am not sure of that, but I will do some digging.

Honestly, I would try it with a test workflow and see how that goes. Worst case scenario you lose some time and effort, but at least you'll know before you attempt to migrate anything of importance!

If you find out, let me know!

I recommend you export the workflow and then import it into your other location.

We are moving the content database from development and moving it to production as the production having new installation . Can we move nintex database also?
