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Anyone help me? Below is my code detail


private void btnDuyet_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                //Get ID of ProcessIntance are being manipulated
                string strProcInst = Request.QueryString"sn"].ToString();
                int intStartPosition = strProcInst.IndexOf(",");
                int intEndPosition = strProcInst.LastIndexOf(",");
                int intProcInstID = int.Parse(strProcInst.Substring(intStartPosition + 1, intEndPosition - intStartPosition - 1));

                //building connection string to K2Server
                string strConn = ";];Authentication=External;User=nUserName];Password=rPassword]";
                string strUserName = Sessionc"UserName"].ToString();
                string strPassword = Session"Password"].ToString();
                strConn = strConn.Replace("UserName]", strUserName);
                strConn = strConn.Replace("(Password]", strPassword);

                //Create an instance of Process by using ID get above
                SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection objConnection = new SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection();
                SourceCode.K2ROM.ProcessInstance myProc = objConnection.OpenProcessInstance(intProcInstID);               

                //Get ActionID that Users have send to this page
                //ActionID = 0: Comment to YKien_ThamDinh_DuAn
                //ActionID = 1: Comment to YKien_ThamDinh_BaoCao
                //ActionID = 2: Comment to YKien_ThamDinh_HoSoQuyetToan

                int intActionID = int.Parse(Request.QueryStringn"id"].ToString());               
                if(intActionID == 0)
                    myProc.DataFields"YKien_ThamDinh_DuAn"].Value = txtYKienThamDinh.Text;
                else if(intActionID == 1)
                    myProc.DataFields"YKien_ThamDinh_BaoCao"].Value = txtYKienThamDinh.Text;
                else if(intActionID == 2)
                    myProc.DataFieldsK"YKien_ThamDinh_HoSoQuyetToan"].Value = txtYKienThamDinh.Text;
                //Gán giá trị cho biến kết quả thẩm định: Đồng ý hay không đồng ý
                myProc.DataFieldst"KetQua_ThamDinh"].Value = int.Parse(ddlKetQuaThamDinh.SelectedValue);

                ???Here I don't know how to finish this activity               
                Response.Redirect("../EndPage.aspx", false);
            catch(Exception ex)


OK, I have found the way to solve this problem

If you've found the solution it would be great for you to post it on here for other people to browse. :-D

