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I have a specific use case where I would like to only allow a person that has submitted a list item to be able to view their items. How do I do this?




To be able to only allow certain users to view items they have submitted you will need to use a workflow that removes list item permissions, the grant permissions to the specific user in question. To do this follow these steps:




1. In the list/ library where you would like to configure these permissions access the artifacts page.


2. Create a new workflow if one has not already been created.


3. In the workflow designer, access the 'List Items' category, you will see 'Remove List Item Permissions' listed in the events for this category. Drag this event into the empty workflow step where you would like to remove permissions:








4. In the wizard that appears, select to remove 'Everyone', this will make the list item non-accessible to all users. Finish the wizard.


5. Create a new workflow step, in this empty step drag in "Add User or Group Permissions to List" from the SmartObjects tab as shown:










6. When the wizard for this event opens you will need to drag in the ID field from the list items reference into the ID field text box:








Grant the user in this case full control.




7. To specify the User for this item, expand Workflow Context in the Context Browser, find Originator Name, then drag this value into the empty field:








8. Finish the wizard.


9. Deploy the workflow.




After making these configurations you should now notice that any time a user submits an item to the list they should be the only user able to view these items.



For me it is not working. when i try to remove Everyone user in "Remove list item permission" workflow step, it throws the error "Can not find the principal with id:". please let me know how to resolve this issue.



Santhosh G
