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Hi, I created an app in Nintex App Studio and now I have the *.ipa file. In order to install the app in an IOS device do I need to upload it to the app store? I do not have MDM solution in place.

Thank You.

PD.: I already installed the app in Android.

Hey José,

for the Installation of an iOS App you need an Enterprise Distribution Certificate and a Provisioning Profile for the app you want to deploy. To create the certificate and the profile you need a Apple Developer account. Here's some information on how to create the certificate and the profile:

You need to upload the certificate and the profile to the NME (Nintex App Studio) platform and afterwards rebuild your app.

There's also an arcticle by Patrick Hosch, in which the single steps are described:

Best regards,


Hi Jan von Reith‌, I've followed all those instructions and the documentations on the nintex app studio website. and No matter what I do the app cannot be installed on iPhone. The app doesn't show on the list @ settings->general -> profiles to click on it and trust.. 

The app works fine on android. 

Both certificates are valid and nice and green on the app studio, and I did re-deploy that app after all the certificates are in.

Any hints?

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Does anyone know which Apple Developer Program is needed to get the app to distribute to the app store? 

We have the Apple Developer Program, and I was told that we need an Enterprise.... anyone knows? or Have an experience with that?
