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Sometimes it may be necessary for you to increase maximum allowed attachment size for K2 SmartForms. There is a section in K2 Appit documentation which covers File Attachment Control settings and limit configuration thoroughly:


K2 Appit


But K2 Appit has slight differences with on-prem K2, and in this specific case, for example, you won't be able to find Allowed Type and Max Size properties exposed in design time control properties in on-prem version of K2 SmartForms. And there is no similar documentation section for K2 SmartForms on-prem.




This limit can be increased on the K2 SmartForms Runtime site level by means of editing runtime web.config file. There are 2 relevant settings which have to be increased. These settings work in combination and one which set to smaller value takes precedence.




1) maxRequestLength This setting should present by default in your web.config. Just locate it and adjust its value in kilobytes. Example below shows how to set this limit to be 50MB (once again, value has to be specified in kilobytes):




<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="51200" /> <!--50MB-->




2) maxAllowedContentLength This setting does not exit in SmartForms Runtime web.config by default and it has to be added in appropriate place. Its value has to be specified in bytes. Example below shows how to set this limit to be 50MB:




<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="52428800" /> <!--50MB-->




Locate <requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true" /> line in your config file and remove closing slash from this line, then add two more lines below so that in conjunction with this edited line it looks as follows:




<requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true">


<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="52428800" /> <!--50MB-->






You don't need to perform IIS reset to apply these changes just edit and save web.config file.



Apply relevant settings by means of editing K2 SmartForms runtime web.config as described above.




Note: the error message when the file exceed the value maxAllowedContentLength is:


File Not Uploaded

"The file attachment exceeds the maximum size of 51200 KB.

Hello, I’m trying to follow this guide but which web.config file needs to be edited? How do I find the right one?

