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According to the document of the NINTEX Workflow, we can customize to the 'Item Properties' section in the 'Approve Reject' page.

However, I couldn't hide the 'Item' column in the 'Item Properties' section.

Also I couldn't change the hyper link of 'Item' to the other page.

Could you please advise me how to hide the 'Item' column or how to change the hyper link of 'Item'?




I have attached a screen shot.  Unfornunately, this screen shot is in Japanese.


We would like to hide the 'Item' column which is enclosed in square red frame.

If it cannot be implemented, we would like to change the hyperlink of its item to other page.



Hi Kiyoshi,

Take a look at my blog post Updating the Item Properties Displayed on a Nintex Workflow Task to see if it helps with your question.


Hi Eric,

Thank you for your comment.

Yes, the "Workflow Status" always is indicated as the first item.

And as well as, the "Item" column also always is indicated as the next item in the "Item Properties" panel.
We would like to hide this "Item" column. If it cannot be hided, we would like to change the hyperlink of its item to other page.

