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Is it possible to hide a panel based on a selection in a list look-up?

All the searches I have done show how to add rules using CHOICE CONTROLS.

I need to know if it is possible to hide or show a panel based on the selection in a list look-up?

Here is an example of what I am trying to do:

Class Name is a list look-up----only the first two highlighted choices require the Attachment Panel.

Is it possible to show or hide the attachment if a user selects one of the 1st 2 options of the lis look-up?

I am fairly new to Nintex and pictures and steps are very helpful.

Thanks in advance.wink.png

Nintex List Lookup Rule Question.JPG

Yes it is possible and tested it and works fine even with a List Lookup control (in my example its named as branch).

below is the example and the rule and when set to show only when the selection is "Adelaide"

any other selection, it hides the panel

thanks so much for your response and especially the pics.

But something is not working properly.

My panel hides not matter WHAT selection I choose and this is not what I want.

Can you tell what I am doing wrong?

In my list, there are only TWO classes that will not require the panel---so I feel I only need TWO RULES---would you agree?

Nintex Question 2.2.JPGNintex Question 2.3.JPG

I simply want the panel to HIDE if either of the two selections are chosen from the list look up that is titled MyFormClass Name.

Nintex Question 2.1.JPG

Have you tried combining that into one rule with an AND or OR operator. what happens if you use only a single rule to begin with, to see whether the panels hide/show with just a single rule.


Your logic is wrong.

You are telling the form to hide the panel if the lookup is not equal to "Markview Training" and with the second rule, where it is not equal to "IT Security Training". With both these rules applied you will always be hiding the panel, as you have found.

Change your rule to hide the panel where the lookup equals Markview OR IT Security as Shaju Samuel suggests.

Something like:

or(parseLookup(MyFormClassName)=="Markview Training",parseLookup(MyFormClassName)=="IT Security Training")




Thanks so much for noticing that my logic was wrong!

Your suggestion worked like a CHARM on the very first try!!!

I feel SO good about my form now!

Just two more things:

1. I need a rule to hide the same panel when no selection is made---can you help with that?

2. How can I make that same panel REQUIRED for only the classes that need that form?

Also thanks to you Shaju----You helped me to learn about the parseLookup value as well.

Thanks again for your responses.
