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I'm fairly new to using Nintex and I know very little. I am having trouble creating the workflow for my form. Below is a description of what I need help with.

I have an application form with different positions/opportunities. Each opportunity has its list of recipients to get the email notification.

   Work Location

      Location 1 (checkbox) - email should go to,

      Location 2 (checkbox) - email should go to,

      Location 3 (checkbox) - email should go to,

      Location 4 (checkbox) - email should go to,

      Location 5 (checkbox) - email should go to,

   Tech Opportunities

      Customer service (checkbox) - email should go to,

      Tech Support (checkbox) - email should go to,

   Admin Opportunities

      Assistant I (checkbox) - email should go to,

      Assistant II (checkbox) - email should go to,

When an applicant selects their desired position(s), an email notification needs to go out to the respective job. I need my workflow to capture the checkbox selection(s) and send a notification email. Can someone provide some insight on how this can be done?


Hi ‌,

There's a lot of info around in this community which gets you starting with both Nintex Forms and workflows. It is essential that you get some basic experience/understanding of what can be done, if only to be able to troubleshoot issues.

As for your requirements, create a secondary list (e.g. "Positions and Email Recipients"), rename Title to Position/Opportunity (with values Location 1 etc), and add an extra Person or Group column (e.g. "Email Recipients", allowing multiple values. Create entries for each of the positions with the people needing to receive the email (assuming these are all internal business users).

In your workflow you need to get the selected items into a Collection workflow variable. In a "For each" action you then get do a lookup in the secondary list for the people for the current position in workflow Person or Group variable, which you then use in the To field of the email.

This is in a nutshell a possible implementation.....If you're using a dropdown list with multiple values, search this community for how to get the selected items in a collection.

Hopefully this helps and get you going.

Kind regards,


Hi Jean-Pierre Huls,

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question. I was able to follow your instructions up to a certain point. I created a secondary list, added the fields "Position/Opportunity" and "Email Recipients (Person or Group)". I created test entries for this secondary list with a couple of locations and added the recipients. See my screenshots below.

Secondary List

I then created a workflow variable and set the type as collection.

When I tried to do the For each action, I am confused as to how I can do what you said:   "In a "For each" action you then get do a lookup in the secondary list for the people for the current position in workflow Person or Group variable, which you then use in the To field of the email."

Here is what I see when I added the For each control. I only see the collection workflow variable in the dropdown. I am unable to lookup in my secondary list for the people.

Can you please clarify your instructions regarding this part?

I appreciate your help!

I think instead of doing a "For Each" you could just do a "Query list" and "Select items only when the following is true:" Work Location (list one choice selection) "is equal" to or "Contains" Work Location (list two) and select the contact field then set a variable with the contacts for that selection.

You would do three query list actions, one for work location, one for Tech Opportunities and one for admin.

I hope this make sense.



In your Parks Jobs list (with submitted applications) I assume you have a multiple dropdown choices column for postions., say chPositions.

So in your workflow you'll need a Regular Expression action which Splits the input chPositions on the following patter (without the double quotes): ", |," and stores the result in your collection variable Park Jobs Selection List. Have a single line of text workflow variable present, eg currentSelectionList. Now setup the ForEach to use the Park Jobs Selection List as the Target collection and use currentSelectionList for "Store result in". Inside the Foreach you now can do a Query List to Park Jobs Secondary List, using currentSelectionList to filter on Position/Oppertunit and to retrieve Email Recipeints to be stored in workflow variable "EmailRecipients" of type Person or Groups. Next action inside the ForEach is could be the Send Email where you use the workflow var EmailRecipients in the To field. Configure the email as you need.

NB: it would help if you would have some basic programming skills......

Hi Kassie,

Actually Tassi's requirement is that one application can have multiple positions selected, and each application has its own set of email recipients. So my solution would be to convert the multiple selected choices into a collection and iterate through each in order to query the email recipients for the current position and send the email.
