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Hi There,


I am trying to work with a dropdown list which runs off a web service datasource, I want to be able to do something with the selcted value of a dropdown but I don't know how to get said selected value.


Basically I have a dropdown with a list of countries and a  button, I want to be able to get the selected item value and fire a create SO method using the selected value when clicking on the button.


Thanks in advance

I believe you can set up a rule that says if a control has a specific value then create a smart object.



Another way would be to fire your rule from a data label on change event.  When the drop down list is change, you can transfer the data to a hidden data lable:



From the Context Browser drag the Drop Down List control to the smart  object input property. See  attached screenshot.




Hi MrSafe,


Best practise would be to use the “Transfer Data action” or just by dragging and dropping the “Dropdown list” to an input or output field or even in a message.


As explained by daerne and KennyC I would suggest both the solutions.


Please let us know if there is anything you would like to know about this two options.


Thank you



