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Greetings  Everyone !, i want to run a loop over all the deployed processes on my k2 server. Now, i know that we can run a query on _procset table in k2log db but i was looking for some api which could help me achieve that...

Thanks in Advance !.. 




Thanks Guys, figured it out !

In case someone else has this need, you should be able to use the SourceCode.Workflow.Management API to accomplish this.
can you share what you did?

Sure Chris,

Well i am sure there may be some other methods to achieve this, but this is the one which i stumbled upon first. I might be spending some more time in digging any other method to achieve the same. I will post my findings soon

but for now, following code works great

As bob mentioned we need to reference SourceCode.Workflow.Management Api and


// Build connection String

         SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.SCConnectionStringBuilder connectionString = new SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.SCConnectionStringBuilder();
            connectionString.Authenticate = true;
            connectionString.Host = "ServerName";
            connectionString.Integrated = true;
            connectionString.IsPrimaryLogin = true;
            connectionString.Port = 5555;
            WorkflowManagementServer workflowServer = new WorkflowManagementServer();           


// Get All the process should get your top level folders structure in here

// ProjectNameFolderName

            foreach (ProcessFolder pf in workflowServer.GetProcessFolders())

// loop through all the processes in the folder.....

//result is :- All the deployed processes under ....

                       foreach (ProcessSet ps in pf.ProcessSets)

//.ProjectNameFolderName and outcome will be ProjectNameFolderNameProcessName




