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For example:

List Lookup Filtering:

- Where field: Status

- Filtered by value: Active

I really need something like this:

- Status = Active OR Description = "Monitor"


I dont think that this control has that level of filtering. However you could set up a list view that is filtered to only show Active status or Monitor Description and then point the List Lookup to that particular View. That would achiev ethe same result.



Let me explain it in more details.

List A

Description: Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse

Status (Active, Inactive)

List B

Fields: Description (Lookup field to List A Description where status is active)

Lets say I have a Description "Monitor" in List A that is active. Now I go to List B and pick a Description "Monitor" and save the record. Next I go to List A and make Description "Monitor" inactive. When I go back to List B I need to see that Description "Monitor" since it was selected before status changed to inactive. In that case I need something list Status = "Active" OR Description = "Monitor"


As you are effectively trying to implement a filter that is driven by two lists, I can't quite work out how you can do this. As you are suggesting that the List B entry is a lookup field pointing back to List A where the status is active, it won't be reflecting the active status in List B after the List A entry has been changed to inactive as this is how the lookup field functions - it's a true reflection of the List A value.

One way you may need to do this is to have another field on List B that holds the List B values statuses in their own right.


