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Here is my business case. I have two tasks assign to two different users. The first user that completes the task must "Expire" the other user task.

In Blackpearl, this would be done using a server code event with the K2.ExpireActvity("ActivityName").  But in BlackPoint, it is not possible.

I found a way by assigning a task to a dummy user with an escalation that does a GoTo after 30 second, but that is a nasty workaraound.

Did anyone found a way to go around this issue?




did you have a look at the Expire Activity option in the action template of an activity escalation?

Hi Dom,

I dont know what your business scenario is exactly but if its a simple scenario as it sounds, why do you want to explicitely expire the task if you can set up your destination rule that will automatically do this?

If you enable the 'Advanced' setting in your destination rule and set your destination rule as "Plan just once", with 1 slot and have two destination users then the user who first actions the item will complete the event and no action is required from the second user.



I think it is not clear what I want to achieve. The two tasks are in two different activity that execute in parrallel. 

The first one that completes his activity, must cancel the other one and make the process continue. In short, retake the control of the process based on a user action.



Hi Dominic

For blackpoint the ugly workaround you describe  appears to me to be the most likely solution. 

The only other possiblity I could imagine is instead of having 2 parallel activiities you only have 1 activity with a single slot and have some logic in the form that would display the different form fields for the appropriate task... somehow.  Then the person that completes it first would occupy that slot and the workflow continues on.  However, this might be even uglier than your workaround and may not even be possible depending on the actions that are available and of course the limitation of not being able to use the APIs in blackpoint.

Thanks TIm for the update.

Too bad it is not possible, it would open a lot of possibilities.

I have logged a feature request ticket (#24559).


