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Hey K2 - Community,

first of all let me say that I'm new to K2 and I'm about to learn it. Furthermore I am german so please excuse some grammar mistaces.

The Problem:

I've created a Workflow with Placeholder-Events in it. After I've done this I created some SmartObjects and deployed it. On the next step I've designed some Views and in the end a form. As far as good... Now I'm getting into trouble.

My process starts with a click on a Button on my Form. In the first step of my Workflow I want to evaluate a textfield on my Form and want to seperate with the help of this value. 

Concrete: If the value is more than or equal to 13 do sth. and if it is less than 13 do sth else. 

But I don't know how to get the value from the form. I've tried to use the Load() method of the SmartObject with whom I created the View and the Form but I can't select the value. There is only the possibility to select the key value of that SmartObject.

I've read that u can evaluate some XML-Fields but neither I know where I can create them nor I know how to use them.

Is anybody able to help me?

thankfully and with best regards 

Tim aka. Sparrow

Found a solution. 
