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How to enable wsHttpBinding for Workflow WCF Service, following error occurs - Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.


For the issue mentioned above, the developers provided the following information:

"For claims there is new validation added to see if the passed in identity is a claim, this involves verifying the type of authentication the identity of the passed in user is using,

When the K2WebService does not have sufficient permissions to view that AuthenticationType for the user we get the "Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation" message."

They also stated the user will need to do the following:

"You will need to set the AllowedImpersonationLevel on the client before making the call.

isc.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation

The reason for this is the default Impersonation level is Identification, which causes the process to fail when we try to resolve the DNS name from the HostServer connectionString which passes in a host name."


The developers provided more information in order to configure the service correctly.

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