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We have a K2 website where we developed smartforms. There is a different .Net website which invokes these smartforms using iFrame.

.Net website: Anonymous authentication/SSO
K2 website: Windows Authentication (want to remove and make it anonymous)

While invoking K2 smartform from the .Net website, we are passing the logged in user details as querystring and based on that K2 smartform is able to determine permission of the user.

Problem is there are internal navigation inside the smartform like via hyperlink, button, which invokes other smartforms. In these internal calls these user details are not passed as query parameters. So without user credentials these internal navigation fails.

Can we have a session created in K2 while user invokes the smartform from .Net website so that the user data can be stored in session and can be utilized in subsequent internal navigation between smartforms?

Another option could be building an httpmodule or something, created and installed in the ASP.Net pipeline of K2 website which gets invoked after http request is processed. This httpmodule can attach user details to all outgoing requests (url) as querystring.


Discussed this ticket at Team Meeting - concluded it is a very in-depth how to and should be a Remote Services ticket.
Determined the customer has 95 remote service credits.
Contacted customer with the following message: "Please note that K2 Technical Support is reserved for product errors/bugs/issues and is not intended as an in-depth how-to/consulting resource.
Our Remote Services group is going to be the best qualified to help you with your questions. These are specialized people who can individually mentor you in depth to achieve your solutions. They do charge for their services but they are a proven great value and I see that you have 95 credits in your Remote services account. Would you like for me to forward your ticket to Remote Services?"


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