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During the initial setup, K2 was configured to search perform the user search only in a single domain. Now we want it to be expanded to other domains as well.
How do we update the configuration to perform the AD User search across other domains. We are using the Default AD User Smart Object for User Search.


The additional domains need to be registered in K2.


This is a two step process, please see below(please note that K2 requires that a two-way trust exist between the respective domains):

First make sure K2 knows about the additional domain(s) -- see the following documentation on how to add additional domain(s) in K2:

Second, register the additional domain(s) against the AD Service instance.
You can do this using the 'Service Tester' tool located in the "eK2InstallDrive]K2 blackpearlBin" folder directory on the K2 server: open and navigate to the 'ServiceObject Explorer' node, locate and edit the AD Service2 Service instance, register the the LDAP paths and the NetBios names for the additional domains like so: "LDAP://DC=DOMAIN1,DC=COMLDAP://DC=DOMAIN2,DC=COMLDAP://DC=DOMAIN2,DC=COM"
Same idea with NetBios names. No spaces between the ''. Save and Exit.
A restart of the K2 Service may be required.

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